Your home is your personal getaway and relaxation space. Make it even more relaxing by the addition of a personal steam shower spa. For residential applications, necessary equipment includes a generator, a steam head, and a control. An optional, but useful, accessory is a shower bench. In commercial applications like health clubs, hotels, and spas; these components are the same as for residential. The only difference is the components must be durable enough for heavy use. The Shower Council of America provides information on the requirements of showers.
Steam has been in use for thousands of years. Various cultures have incorporated steam, from the Turks, to the Romans, to the Native Americans. There are many benefits to using steam. These include skin rejuvenation, overall wellness, muscle relaxation, and better sleep. Other benefits include detoxification, relaxation, better respiratory health, and the eco-friendly aspects.
Adding a steam shower to your guestrooms would allow your commercial establishment to charge extra for this amenity. Although this addition will have significant construction costs, the business should like see a return on investment (ROI) in less than a year. In constructing a steam shower, the distance between the generator and steam head should be 24 to 60 feet. Most generators are 208 or 240 volts of low-voltage electrical power and are best installed indoors.
Use accurate cubic footage (l x w x h) in constructing a steam shower spa. Seam showers should never exceed 8’ in height. Upsizing of kilowatts (kW) for higher ceiling is required by manufacturers. However, exceeding the maximum suggested height is still not ideal. In some cases, larger or multiple generators may result in better overall performance. The steam head is recommended to be located 12 to 18 feet above the finish floor (AFF), but in some circumstances may be located 20 to 24 feet AFF. Avoid installing steam heads on benches because the benches will get too hot.
The steam shower should be enclosed to capture the majority of the vapor mist. The main concern when water is boiled is protection from the residue of mineral deposits. However, hard water is not an issue more than for a regular shower filter. Nonetheless, some other options to incorporate into the steam shower area include aromatherapy to evoke the sense of smell and chromatherapy that delivers a light and music system.
Some generators can deliver steam production in seconds, rather than minutes. Solenoid valves have the potential for water hammer. Another disadvantage to solenoid valves, are that the unit cycles make a loud noise. An alternative to solenoid valves are digital shower valves with ceramic discs. Coated shower doors are a recommended option. Another option is a smart shower that would reduce the need for physical handles.
In constructing a steam shower, transoms are not required, but may be added as a personal preference. By avoiding cycling in and out, some systems will keep the temperature the same for the duration of a shower. The size of the shower could increase up to 1000 cubic feet, but check with an electrician to ensure adequate power supply. Because of the various factors involved in construction, there is a large variation in pricing for steam showers.
Multiple finishes are available in popular selections to include antique gold, brushed gold, matte black, chrome white, nickel, stainless, and more. PVC finishes are the strongest, while matte is not as durable. After installation, don’t clean the steam shower with abrasives or harsh chemical. For best results use soap and water.
Generators will heat faster if used on a regular basis, but if not used for some time in a location such as a vacation home, the generator will not break down from lack of use. Some options for steam showers include battery backups for smart showers. Also tech screens are available with a waterproof option. Some acrylic generators have a smaller footprint. A tub can be enclosed as long as the area is completely enclosed with glass from the floor to the ceiling.
Although the maximum shower height is 10’, the ideal ceiling height is 8’. Lower ceiling fit within these suggested dimensions, but not higher. The ceiling can have a slight slope of about ¼” per feet. However, the ceiling should not have a noticeable slope because the steam pools. This will lead to the cold water dropping down on someone showering which would not be a good experience for steam shower users. Following these guidelines instead will lead to a great experience and a personal oasis in the steam shower.