Decorative protection panels are a fashionable and durable solution for hard walls in residential and commercial settings. These settings could include residences, apartments, condos, vacation homes, cabins, tiny houses, healthcare, education, retail, museums, and offices. Some of these protective wall treatments may take the form of wall coverings, polyvinyl chloride, fiber reinforced laminates (FRLs), or fibercore.
Wall coverings are flexible in large rolls. Some wall coverings may scratch, mar, tear, and scuff. Most of these wall coverings have no Greenguard certification. Installation is also relatively expensive to install. On the other hand, FRLs are made of fiberglass and a paper core. These laminates have the benefit of a wide range of stylish designs. However, because of the paper core, FRLs have less impact resistance and dimensional stability. This leads to less than a Class A rating.
Polyvinyl chloride (PETG/PVC) is priced at a lower price point to other alternatives. However, it has no Class A rating and is toxic to the environment. PVC comes in thin sheets and is challenging to install. This material is also easy to scratch, mar, and scuff.
Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) allows for good impact at a low price. However, FRP is commonly used at the ‘back of house’ with limited design choices. It is also easy to scratch, mar, and scuff.
The next level of high performance laminate is decorative wall panels with a fiberglass core. These panels use fiberglass, instead of a Kraft paper core. Decorative wall panels may have a Class A fire rating. In addition, the panels are extremely impact, scratch, stain, water, and chemical resistant with seam treatments. This material is available in a range of colors and is easy to clean. Installation is easy and may be done with a spray or trowel-on adhesive on many substrates.
Third party testing is recommended for decorative panels in order to ensure an objective and accurate rating. Another way to evaluate decorative panels is by looking for panels that have Green Gold Certification with health-based criteria. This certification can be important for schools and other facilities.
Metal laminate wall panels have a craftsmanship appeal. These panels can add color, sheen, energy, and modernity to a number of areas. These include walls, furniture, retail fixtures, signage, exhibits, and displays.
Writable laminates is another interior design option for decorative wall panels. These panels can be used in a variety of settings, including commercial, healthcare, nurses’ stations, and patient rooms. The writable aspect may serve as a communication tool in retail back room or to organize supplies in a restaurant. A custom writable wall in a waiting room provides entertainment that is colorful, calming, and fun and has a therapeutic benefit.
Custom laminates tap into design creativity. These panels can be covered with an original design, photograph, painting, or any other artwork. This is usually accomplished with high resolution vector files and can also be placed on tables, as well as walls.
Some common specifications for decorative panels include being non-postformable/non-bendable. Panel sizes include 4’ x 8’ and 4’ x 10’ with a minimum of four panels. The panels are sold by the sq. ft.
One example is Fenix which has low light reflectivity and is matte with a soft touch. The benefits include soft touch, anti-fingerprint, and thermal healing of micro scratches. Fenix NTM has 20 colors used for vertical and horizontal applications. Fenix NTM Bloom has a lignin core and is a NTA (nanotech alloy) material.