Workplace Interior Design Trends
Workplace Interior Design Trends

Certain trends are evident in office design. These trends have the ability to make significant changes in spaces used as offices. These trends might also, to some extent, have similar influences on residential and other commercial spaces.

  1. Use of Space

Offices are increasingly eschewing their traditional uses. There are more spaces that feature co-working, collaboration, and support telecommuting for employees. Co-working spaces might provide facilities for workers from multiple companies. The space could be set up as separate offices or a more open office with shared desks. Budgets and efficiency is one reason for this trend in office design. Another change to traditional use is the addition of more collaborative spaces. Besides the typical conference room, interior designers are providing other spaces that allow collaboration between employees during the workday. Because of the increasing number of telecommuting employees, shared spaces may also be designed to support these employees when they have to visit the office to work or meet with other employees working mainly in the office.

  1. Impact of Technology

Interior design of office space continues to be impacted with the state of technological advances. One of these is the accommodation of areas that provide conveniences like charging stations. Streamlining and minimization of computer systems can also affect the overall floor plan.

  1. Beyond the Open Office

Some corporate offices immediately default to the open office as the solution for every space. However, the open office is not the answer for every space. Each company has to take into account information, such as the use of the space and the brand of their company. This is an area that working with an interior designer can really pay off. For example, if your company provides customers with confidential services, an open office may not be the right concept. Also, open offices have become more common because some may like the aesthetic and/or it may be accomplished with a lower budget. However, some research studies have pointed out that open offices may not, of itself result, in employee collaboration. They may actually lead to less productivity and be a negative experience for some employees. Employers are starting to realize the negative effects of open office space and starting to consider other types of office layouts.

  1. Sustainable Materials & Concepts

Sustainable or green design is a continuing trend that has become more mainstream over the years. Because of people’s concern for the environment, they are interested in working with an interior designer to obtain a more sustainable interior. Sustainable interiors can be designed in both historic and modern spaces. Innovation in new products and ideas are also being brought into the design of interior spaces.

  1. Residential Aesthetic in Office & Hospitality Interiors

People are seeking more comfort in their interior spaces. This has usually been most reflected in the home and residential interiors, but now this trend is being seen in other types of commercial interior spaces. One such area is office interior design. Offices are including spaces for employees to relax that is more than just the typical lounge. Some spaces might have the aesthetic of a residence, but located in the office. Another area is hospitality interior design. Hotels and other hospitality spaces are trying to brand their interiors and draw in customers by capturing the essence of home.

  1. Conversion of Empty Mall Spaces into Offices

This trend is one response to the “Retail Apocalypse.” The Retail Apocalypse has left numerous empty spaces in malls in the place of once thriving retail spaces. This has resulted in unused real estate. Some malls have increasingly starting to convert these empty spaces into offices. This helps increase the foot traffic and make use of this vacant real estate.

A professional interior designer from Colorfinity can help you incorporate one or more of these trends into your office interior. After evaluating your situation, it is also possible that a designer might recommend not using one or more of these trends for your particular office space. Contact Colorfinity now for interior design assistance.